LNG Containment Trenches
Cast-in-place trenches are a costly and inefficient process riddled with labor costs and bottlenecks. In addition to this, the protective internal insulation layer of the trenches eventually eroded and failed over time, opening the door to safety concerns and liability.
This is now. We do things the Alfred Miller Way–more efficient, cost effective, and innovative.
We assemble a precast trench in two stages–a 5,000 PSI structural concrete section insulated by a cellular concrete liner–using the same mold, and get it ready to be shipped to the worksite.

Once on-site, the trench is installed following an easy three step process that maximizes time and resources and eliminates weather delays.

Not only is it easier, but it is also safer.
Our cellular internal lining resists cryogenic exposure and degradation longer than any other material. The photo on the left is during our liquid nitrogen safety test and the picture on the right is simply 45 minutes after exposure.

This is how we do things. We improve processes and create better and more reliable products each and every day.