Field Services
We are a constructor with over 70 years’ experience. We focus on reducing man-hours—not piling on more. We offer a comprehensive array of Field Services utilizing our hallmark innovations and cost-savings methods to all jobs we touch.

Save Time and Save Costs—The Alfred Miller Way
- Industrial Coatings and Linings
- Concrete Repair
- Hazcom Labeling
- Grouting
- Concrete Flat Work
- Firestopping
- Fireproofing Repair
- Blast Upgrades
- Engineered Structural Repairs
- Shotcrete
We utilize Lean Construction methods, technology and Advance Work Packaging (AWP) / Workface Planning to improve productivity, safety, and quality. Utilizing the Construction Industry Institute’s AWP best practices, we are able to improve labor productivity by up to 25%, while cutting overall costs by up to 10%, along with World Class safety performance.